Re-write the rules for celebrating Christmas, create a new meaning for the holiday, or start a new tradition for doing Christmas Day your way! Here are some ideas to help you do a Christmas makeover…
1. Have an Orphan’s Christmas.
Invite lonely neighbors to Christmas lunch or dinner.
2. Take the stress out of gift giving.
Suggest that each family member buy one gift for one person only.
3. Help the needy.
Volunteer at a homeless center or other charity and help out in the kitchen or serve a meal.
4. Create your own purpose.
For example, make it a day of gratitude rather than one of over-consumption.
5. Do something completely different.
You might have an outdoor picnic with hot cocoa in thermos bottles!
These are just a few ideas to get you thinking… check out the infographic below for more details on how to do a Christmas makeover.