There are many ways for high school students to prepare for college. Here are some tips for college-bound students:
Take Required Courses
Consider what courses you must take in high school to allow you entrance into higher education. It will depend on the college and the major you are interested in, but generally you should take core academic classes in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and a Foreign Language every year. You can find more details on the websites of the colleges you are considering.
AP, IB, and Honors
In addition to taking the basic courses needed simply for college entrance, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Some colleges look for advanced courses such as AP, IB or Honors.
Test Prep
Plan to take the SAT or ACT and prepare for them. Good grades on these standardized tests can help you to get scholarships even if the tests are not required by the college.
Hone Study Skills
Develop good study habits. Adjusting to the academic workload in college can be difficult for some freshman students. Compared to what they experienced in high school, the curriculum is typically more specialized and the assignments are often more in-depth.
Maintain Momentum
Keep up your grades and stay involved in extracurricular activities. Extracurriculars can include artistic endeavors, sports, clubs, volunteering, paid work, and internships. These activities all look good to admissions officers.
Long-Term Extracurriculars
A shorter list of extracurriculars that show a longer-term commitment and progressive responsibility is much more valuable than a long list of activities you’ve only dabbled in. Participate in activities that you enjoy and that will help you develop skills that will be useful in college.
Financial Planning
Start thinking about how you will pay for college. Learn about all your options including grants, scholarships, work-study, federal student loans, and private loans. When paying for college, certain types of financial aid are better than others.
These are some of the best ways to prepare for college if you are a high school student!