Looking for a job? Sending in paper resumes is so passé. Today it’s all about marketing yourself online. Platforms like LinkedIn provide huge networking opportunities. Make sure that your profile is up to date, and Google yourself to be certain that only your best shows up. If not, clean up your record. Drop in a “hi” note to your first circle of contacts and let them know you’re in the market for a job. That way they can let you know if they hear of anything. You can also list yourself on job portals. If you sift through all the spam, you might find a good prospect. Follow companies from your industry, since knowing what they are up to always helps. When filling out online forms, be sure to double check your spelling and grammar. Job hunting is a full time job in itself. If you don’t have the time or patience, you can let the pros handle it. Pay a consultant or seek out an employment agency to help you.
Focusing on the market niche that best matches your skills, talents, and interests will help you decide which companies you should apply to. But before accepting any job, you should know whether it will fulfill your requirements or not. Prior to making a decision with a company or firm, you should collect as much as knowledge about the business, office environment, etc. as you can. We know that all jobs are not equal but be sure that you’re getting a job that values you as a person. We all agree that we don’t want to get stuck in a job that we hate. We want a workplace where the environment is nurturing and our work is appreciated and valued, where we all can learn and develop our skills and have healthy social relationships. In this infographic from Tutors Umbrella, you will find more advice on job hunting.
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