By Erin C.
Even though homeschooling is more about learning together than adhering strictly to a rigid curriculum, having a good schedule in place ensures that both you and your teen can effectively and efficiently achieve your daily goals.
The good news is: there are certain techniques that you can do to ensure that. We’ve created a list that will help you and your teen increase homeschooling productivity.
Pick the time of day
One of the perks of homeschooling is that you can tailor your study time based on your teen’s peak period of mental and physical energy.
The time of day has a significant effect on each person’s productivity; the trick is finding your teen’s peak productive time.
Some experts say that the brain absorbs information best from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m, but then again, productivity is still measured on a case-by-case basis.
If your teen is a morning person, it would be best to start complex subjects early in the morning and the easier ones later in the day. For night owls, studying in the afternoon would be more effective.
Create a weekly planner
Having a weekly planner allows you to organize your day better. There are a lot of free, pre-made schedule planners online that you can print out. Make sure that you place the planner where your teen can easily see it so that he or she can mentally prepare for what’s to come.
You can be stubborn on your end goal but still, be flexible on your weekly plan. Let’s say that you are aiming for your teen to learn probability by the end of the week, but then your boss just asked you to finish an urgent project. You can iterate your planner by putting in more time on certain days for homeschooling.
Take power naps
A good night’s sleep is so important for boosting one’s productivity. But sometimes, that’s not enough to help your teen get through the day—especially if your teenager failed to hit his or her sleep requirement.
Taking a power nap will give your teen the boost that he or she needs. Even a 6-minute nap can do wonders for the brain. The key is not to fall deep into the sleep cycle, so keep the naps to a maximum of 20 minutes. If it goes beyond that, your teen will be more tired and sluggish than when he or she started.
Remove unnecessary distractions
There should be a strict rule on your study desk or area: no mobile phones, tablets, or other digital pressures. You can only have the ones that you use for studying.
Looking at our phones has become an addictive habit. Having your phone near you is enough distraction, even if it’s turned off. Sometimes, you just can’t help but check it from time to time.
This is why it is important to have an appropriate and designated study area. You also have to ensure that it is conducive for learning. Pick somewhere quiet and far away from the T.V. or video game console/s as much as possible.
Parents do so much each day, especially moms. Aside from teaching your kids, you’re faced with household chores, endless errands, daily job demands, and last-minute tasks.
By having a proper schedule and incorporating some scheduling techniques, you can ensure that your teen will be more productive and efficient. They’ll even have enough time for other important tasks, and you’ll also have the chance to claim those much-needed micro-breaks each day.
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