Getting a degree should be thought of as an investment in your future. In addition to opening up countless new career options, college graduates will put themselves in the best possible position to move up in their company. Here is a look at a handful of degrees and programs with a proven return on investment.
Civil Engineering
Given our growing population and aging infrastructure, a civil engineering degree is an excellent option for the future. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment for civil engineers is expected to grow by at least 20 percent over the next ten years. These specialists carry out a wide variety of jobs including the construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, power plants, harbors, and dams.
Computer Science
For almost two decades, computer programming has been called the career of the future with thousands of new positions being created every single year. While civil engineering jobs are expected to grow by as much as 20 percent, computer programming jobs are expected to increase by over 37 percent in the same period of time. On average, the two highest paid positions for programmers include information security analysts and computer systems analysts.
Public Administration
The public administration landscape continues to evolve as new technology is adopted into this field every year. Options such as a public administration degree online will put students in the perfect position to take on a leadership role within a wide variety of public and private institutions. What makes this academic path even more enticing is the fact that students can complete these kinds of programs completely online.
A degree in marketing is an excellent option for students who are ready to enter into a commercial field but are unsure of what they would like to specialize in. Employees with marketing degrees are needed in practically every industry imaginable ranging from airlines to computer manufacturing. The BLS estimates that jobs for market research analysts will increase by over 30 percent in the next few years.
Biomedical Engineering
Medical practices are more advanced than ever, and this is why students who understand both technology and medicine are in high demand. Biomedical engineers are needed throughout the world in research labs, private practices, hospitals, hospices, and therapy centers. As of 2013, the average annual earnings for a biomedical engineer broke $100,000.
These five degrees are all excellent options for students who want a promising career in some of the fastest-growing fields on the planet.