Forgiveness is a Phoenix

By Camille S. Campbell


Forgiveness is a phoenix,

a fire that lights the sky.

To soar above the ruins,

we need the peace to fly.


Forgiveness is a phoenix,

we find it in the dark.

To grow new shining wings,

we first must light the spark.


Forgiveness is a phoenix,

it saves us from demise.

Within the pile of ashes,

we find the strength to rise.


Forgiveness is a phoenix,

a glimmer in the heart.

As soon as we embrace it,

our reborn life will start.



In my poem, “Forgiveness is a Phoenix,” I use the legendary bird to symbolize the concept of forgiveness. Forgiveness can renew you and allow you to rise above the past like the Phoenix got reborn after turning into ashes. When you let go of grudges, you can truly “fly.” I adore poems that use birds to embody fundamental concepts, such as hope in Emily Dickinson’s poem “”Hope” is a thing with feathers” and freedom in Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird.” Inspired by other poems about birds, I wanted to create an inspirational poem that symbolizes forgiveness using the myth and imagery of the glowing firebird.


Camille Campbell is the award winning author of the fantasy book series the Wishner Prophecy. She loves writing poems that tell a vivid story filled with emotions and paint a picture in the reader’s mind. When she’s not writing, you can find Camille painting on silk, playing classical guitar, and reading mystery books.

1 Comment

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  1. This is such a good poem! I really love the imagery

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