The 4th annual Drive Smart Teen Digital Short Contest, sponsored by CTIA Wireless Foundation, is now open for entries! Teens, create a digital short educating your peers about the dangers of driving distracted. In addition to helping your friends and others to stay safe on the road, you’ll earn a chance to win a $10,000 scholarship!
Who: 13 to 18-year-old U.S. residents.
What: 15-60 second digital short.
When: Entries may be submitted through December 18, 2017.
How: Students register, create and submit their digital short online, and may submit multiple entries.
Why students should enter early: Each week one winner will be chosen out of all entries received to date, to receive a $100 gift card.
The entry must:
- Be a Digital Short in the form of a video that is at least 15 seconds and no longer than 60 seconds in length, that is created to convince other teens of the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of not texting while driving;
- Include an uploaded video file or link to a file (this could be a .mov, .wmv, .mpg4).
- Be submitted in the English language.
The entry cannot:
- Include any written description (or part thereof) which is already protected by patent or copyright unless the patent or copyright is owned by the entrant; or
- Include any music or video (or part thereof) which is already protected by patent or copyright unless the patent or copyright is owned by the entrant; or
- Include entry materials, image uploads, or use of the site that are considered inappropriate in any way (as determined by Administrator’s sole opinion).
Click here to see last year’s winners.
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