Most college students have no idea what they want to do and about eighty percent change their majors at least once. With tuition costs rising and years of loan repayment certain, an unsure student may feel intimidated. However, these degrees offer many different career options.
Bachelor of Liberal Studies/Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Some colleges actually offer interdisciplinary studies as a major. Courses offered at most colleges expose students to the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. Graduates can be found in management, communications, public service, and medicine.
Mathematics and Economics
Math is the core of many sciences and economics analyzes the world. The student pursuing this degree will be able to find an abundance of careers, including, but certainly not limited to, actuary, comptroller, accountant, bursar, computer programmer, statistician, and systems analyst.
American Studies
American Studies examines the politics, culture, and history of the United States through courses such as literature, history, political science, and sociology. Many programs strive to also teach teamwork and effective problem solving skills. Graduates can find jobs in advertising, political administration, and journalism.
Master of Science in Project and Program Management
A master’s degree in project management is a good choice for those wanting more leadership responsibilities. Such professionals plan, manage, and finalize projects and specialize in fields like construction, healthcare, and engineering. Many programs utilizes routine operations and procedures and emphasizes management, leadership and technology.
Master’s in Business Administration and Masters of Arts in International Relations
Designed for students seeking careers that incorporate business and government, both in the U.S. and abroad. Graduates are leaders in international organizations, social enterprises, consulting firms, and environmental corporations. Alumnae of Stanford University’s program have won Oscars, founded world-renown companies, and published distinguished news articles.
Choosing a degree can be a difficult decision, and it’s important to choose one that will lead to the job you want. Going with a degree that offers options to move between industries has many benefits.