A Nonfiction Book Review, by Naomi.
This book, Conversations With a Writing Coach, was full of information on how to strengthen your writing. Most of the chapters were written in conversation form, with the teacher, Susan May Warren, discussing writing with her student Sally.
Many times after one of those chapters there was a chapter after it, going even more in depth of how to accomplish the topic of discussion.
For the most part I enjoyed this book, it was fun and really not that long. At one point, it was talking about paragraphs—and I may have misunderstood—but I felt as if it was telling me that every paragraph need to have its own build up and climax, resolve it, but have tension at the end to keep people reading– which, in case you aren’t a writer, would be extremely difficult to do for every single paragraph.
All in all, I liked this book and it is very handy. I would recommended it to other writers, or people who were interested in writing but weren’t sure where to start.
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Downing is a homeschooled high school student who live on a small farm in the middle of no where. She enjoys reading, writing, taking pictures and dreaming about her future. She blogs at naomiandbooks.wordpress.com.
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