Looking to enroll in a Certified Nursing Assistant training program? Here two annual CNA scholarships for you! The amount awarded for the scholarships is $500 each.
CNA Classes Near Me Scholarship
“CNA Classes Near Me” helps those interested in becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant find training programs. Many of these programs are free as they are funded by the U.S. Department of Labor or state equivalent agencies. The site has state-by-state pages that list all training locations in each state as well as their contact information.
The deadline to apply for the CNA Classes Near Me scholarship is September 21, 2023. A formal essay is not required. Simply answer some questions using Google Forms:
- Why do you want to become a CNA?
- How would winning this scholarship help you?
- Why is taking care of others important to you?
- Tell about a time when you were proud of your actions or a decision that you made.
Applicants are selected on a variety of factors, including:
- Scholarship application delivery (attention to detail with answers, grammar, etc.)
- Your foundational reason for wanting to become a CNA
- Your reasons for wanting to be awarded this scholarship
For more information on scholarship eligibility and how to apply, please refer to the link below.
CNA Free Training Resources Scholarship
“CNA Free Training Resources” provides free training materials for those preparing to take the CNA exam, which is a requirement to become a licensed CNA. The site has free practice tests for each section of the CNA exam, as well as supplemental training materials that can be used while taking CNA classes – all of which are free.
The winner of the CNA Free Training Resources scholarship will be based on the staff’s determination of the candidate with the most compelling story on: 1.) why they would like to become a CNA and 2.) why they feel they deserve the award. A formal essay is not required. Simply answer a few questions and submit through Google Forms.
The deadline to apply for the CNA Free Training Resources scholarship is April 1, 2024. This scholarship can only be applied towards the education costs of a state-licensed CNA program. For more information on scholarship eligibility and how to apply, please refer to the link below.