Boost Your Career With an Amplified Linkedin Profile

By Helen Dina.

Some years ago, newspapers were the best way to get connected for both the employers and employees. The employer used to place his job classified for hiring a perfect candidate that meets all his requirements. Nowadays, with the advent of internet and social media, a new corporate and social channel has emerged which is better known as “LinkedIn.”

LinkedIn is a professional social platform for every talented and skilled employee to help him find a dream job. It is a suitable platform to market your overall skills or expertise in a detailed and comprehensive resume.

LinkedIn is an excellent place for recruiters and employees to become familiar with each other. The profile of potential job candidates allows the employers to see the candidate’s qualifications along with some other talent like critical thinking and interpersonal skills.

This also creates a strong mutual connection between many potential candidates and Human Resource management. All of these things are essential aspects for the selection of an employee.

There are some recommended tips that can help you get hired easily for an ideal job:

  • Create an Impressive Title
  • Contact Information
  • Summary
  • Profile Picture
  • Relevant Experiences
  • Qualifications
  • Certifications
  • Volunteer Experiences
  • Publications
  • Honors & Awards
  • Projects
  • Languages
  • Skills & Expertise
  • Connections
  • References

Let’s see all of the above points in detail:

  • Create an Impressive Title

The title or tagline is the starting point and the focus of attention of every employer. It enables them to easily analyze the current designation or status of the candidate. It gives the foremost impression to the employer for making decision of hiring or moving on to another impressive professional profile.

  • Contact Information

The contact information includes the accurate email address, cellular number or land line number of the potential applicant. All the information must be absolutely correct. It is the valid resource for an employer to contact in case he likes the profile.

  • Summary

It is the summarized information about an employee that precisely describes his future goals and career achievements. It clearly displays the willingness of a candidate to reach higher. It is better to be simplistic and concise. Never exaggerate on your achievements or future career plans.

  • Profile Picture

As LinkedIn is a professional social platform, so the profile picture must be very decent and shows the professional mannerism. It is wise to avoid posting casual pictures that would make a bad impression on recruiters.

  • Relevant Experiences

The previous experiences of the candidate must be relevant. Always list those companies in which you have worked for a long time. This will show your credibility to the employer and he will think you as a reliable and trustworthy candidate and thus offer a job that you may be interested in.

  • Qualifications

Always add up the accurate qualifications and degrees which you have actually done. Never list an MBA Degree which you have never done. However, you may mention your future plan for enrollment. Your education credibility can be assessed by the company and if found wrong, can get you in trouble and, ultimately, lead you to embarrassment in later time.

  • Certifications

Your certifications are the bonus or the added benefits for your career which can raise you higher in the job market. These certifications help an employee to get an edge over others and make him prominent.

  • Volunteer Experience

This is also a virtuous and honorable experience for any employee intended to do a good social voluntary service for any organization. This will leave a positive impression on the employer in making his mind to get you hired. An employee can add up some of his remarkable and appreciable contributions in the dignified field of education, social and health services.

  • Publications

The publications can be anything ranging from e-books to scientific journals, thesis, dissertations, etc. The recruiter can possibly find these circulations interesting and worthwhile.

  • Honors and Awards

It is good for a candidate to mention all his honors and awards to show his performance to the employer. This can certainly increase his reputation in the eyes of the recruiter. The honor can be academic or any other official achievement.

  • Projects

An employee must list his all working projects to get the prospective employers familiarized with his work. It is essential to describe your role of involvement in the projects as a Head or as a team member. It shows your sense of responsibility to the recruiter for leading, managing and accomplishing the client’s assignments in a successful way.

  • Languages

The multiple spoken languages also help a candidate get hired for a job on different location or a country. It provides a wonderful opportunity to an aspiring candidate to work abroad in countries like china and Germany. This counts as an added feature of an employee as he can speak various languages fluently with complete native understanding.

  • Skills & Expertise

These are the integral elements for any employee as they demonstrate expertise and relevant skills required for a particular job. The more skillful employee is generally considered as more valuable in the eyes of recruiters. This will also help him get a prosperous, deserving and well paid job opportunity.

  • References

The references are the valid authentication for every employee in order to get his reliability and trustworthiness examined by the prospective company.

  • Connections

The LinkedIn Connections shows all the relative associations of the employee in his social profile. It is not necessary to add 500+ connections. Your links should be few but pertinent to the industry to which you actually belong. Only relevant connections will work for an employee when it comes to getting his profile accessed by a potential employer.


LinkedIn is an ideal place for any employee to prove his corporate value. These above tips will certainly be helpful for him to get his perfect dream job by enhancing his profile and making it more inspiring and worth considering.

Helen Dina is a part-time blogger with the knack for lifestyle, career, personal growth and education. She’s contributed over dozens of posts on these areas gladly helping her precious readers with some awesome insights. You can find her at an editing and consulting firm, Essay Boutique. She has written many publications in these areas for the sole purpose of teaching and helping readers with their academic and professional problems. She can be found lurking around Twitter.

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