Special teens at Camp ASCCA which offers therapeutic recreation for people with physical & intellectual disabilities.
By Alwin Spencer
Special kids are a blessing of GOD just like any other kids. But it is also a matter of lots of patience and enormous endurance to deal with these special people and raise them up to face the real world.
It is said that “knowledge begins at home.” Homeschooling is becoming a prevailing trend for students of all ages to learn and grow better in a home based learning environment. Home is the most appropriate and excellent place for the education of special needs students.
Special teens require extra care, love and devotion from their parents. Parents who invest a little more effort and time in educating these special people will reap a good future for them. These efforts will bring fruitful results afterwards in the form of happiness and pride.
Special teens need a calm and acquainted place where they can easily adjust themselves, and home can be the most suitable place for them where they can learn in a secured and comforting environment.
Most special people like to listen to music, which sets their mood and enhances their analytical abilities, so they will have a better understanding of lessons. It is better to provide a musical environment to them at home where they can find a relaxing atmosphere for learning.
The best advantage of home based learning is that special teens are under the direct protective supervision of their parents. The parents know much better about their children and understand their needs, and thus they can easily take care of their teens with disabilities.
The thing that matters the most is giving enough time and attention to these teens to boost their capabilities and sharpen hidden skills. Here are some useful tips which can help parents teach their special teen in an easy way:
- Find the nature of disability
- Use latest educational techniques
- Slow but steady learning
- Hope is the key
- Select an appropriate mentor
- Appreciation builds confidence
Find the Disability Nature
To have a good understanding of their unique challenges and needs, it is important to study the category of disabilities as there are several different disorders that exist in special teens such as autism, mental retardation, and learning disorders. Each disability has a different procedure and approach to handling their special needs.
Use Updated Teaching Methods
There are various simple and updated teaching methods which can aid parents to teach special students in the most understandable way. For instance, Smart Board is the most recognized learning method for disabled people by which they can easily understand the meaning of any word.
Slow But Steady Learning
The growth of learning is slow but steady; these special people need sufficient time in understanding and memorizing anything that has been taught to them. The parents need to have a strong patience. In addition, they have to give thorough dedication to their special teens by making them grasp all lessons completely.
Hope is the Key
In educating special teens, hope and consistency are the key to help with their education. As they are growing up, with needs and desires like other teens, it is necessary that parents should do their best in providing them with extra care and efforts that would yield desired results.
Select an Appropriate Mentor
If parents are hiring a tutor for educating their special teen, it is good to hire a person wisely. The qualities of a mentor must be analyzed first so that the child can receive a good education. A good mentor must have specialized experience and qualification in special education. A mutual understanding is also essential for associating with special teenage kids in order to teach them easily.
Appreciation Builds Confidence
Special students always require a pat on the back and appreciation for boosting their inner confidence, which assists them in learning and performing well. It is important to find the right services or programs for a special teen. Parents should also take special training classes and advanced teaching techniques in order to be a good teacher for their disabled teens.
Author Bio: Alwin Spencer is a professional academic writer with particular experience in the field of education, currently serving at Assignment Camp as an academic consultant in the UK-based company.
A good mentor must have specialized experience and qualification in special education.