- Do you spend a lot of time studying at a desk in your dorm or bedroom?
- Are you busy at your writing table or computer workstation for hours on end?
- Do you work at a desk in a corner of your guest room, or in an office cubicle?
- Or if you are really special, maybe you have your very own office?
We sit at our desks day in and day out, usually with the same old furniture and office supplies. If your desk space is looking a little drab, we’re here to help. We’ve rounded up five simple, inexpensive ways to add glamour to your work area.
For instance, you can spray paint office supplies (like scissors, a stapler, and a tape dispenser) in gold or rose gold. Rose gold office supplies bring warm color to your desk. Pairing rose gold office accessories with a pink, lavender, or blue color scheme creates a cute workspace. Shiny brass, silver, or copper would work, too. Anything with a metallic sheen or hints of sparkle will definitely increase the glam factor.
Adding texture from faux fur or leather and marble contact paper can also bring some glitz and glamour to your décor without breaking the bank. A quick and easy way to add glamour to your office or dorm room is to replace the plain knobs on desk drawers or cabinet doors with crystal knobs. You can even make your own fancy magnets and glue pretty embellishments to clipboards and binder clips.
Ghergich & Co. teamed up with Quill to create an infographic on how to make a boring desk space extra glam with five easy, cost-effective DIY ideas. Whether it’s a folding table, small cubicle, or large office, why not glam it up! Adding a little glitz and glamour will help you awaken your muse, spark your creativity, and bring joy to your work!
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