Introducing the CSB Jesus Daily Bible (+ Giveaway!)

CSB Jesus Daily Bible

Order your copy of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible today!

Read through the Bible in a year, and keep Jesus at the center of each day, with the new CSB Jesus Daily Bible.

The CSB Jesus Daily Bible includes a 52-week, Christ-focused, guided reading plan. Unlike other daily Bibles, the daily reading arrangement is not date specific, so you can begin the plan at any point in the calendar year.

Day by day, you’ll thematically study Scripture through a weekly introduction, helpful articles and infographics, and a weekly summary to help you understand Jesus’ central role from Genesis to Revelation.

Every page of God’s Word points to the bigger story of Jesus. And every day, the CSB Jesus Daily Bible will help you see how.

The CSB Jesus Daily Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). Developed by more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations, the CSB translation captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message.

Learn more at

CSB Jesus Daily Bible


  • 52-week thematic reading plan showing Jesus in all of Scripture
  • Weekly introductions to set the stage for each week’s reading
  • Jesus-focused articles, charts, and infographics expanding each week’s theme
  • Weekly summaries to reinforce key takeaways and applications for life
  • Book introductions in a “Who, What, When, Why, Where” format
  • Durable Smyth-sewn, lay-flat binding
  • Elegant two-color interior design
  • Topical subject headings
  • Easy-to-read Bible serif type
  • 9.5-point type size
  • Black-letter text
  • Footnotes
  • Gold ribbon marker
  • Concordance
  • Presentation page for gift-giving
  • Full-color maps
  • 6” x 9” page size
  • 1,888 pages
  • 2 pounds 14 ounces

Order your copy of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible today!

CSB Jesus Daily Bible


They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I do love the cover on this new CSB Jesus Daily Bible. The design is very visually interesting; it has kind of an Art Deco vibe with its geometric shapes and lines, woodblock style images, and ornate scalloped gold borders. I have the blue hardcover version (shown above), my favorite color. If you’re tired of brown Bibles, this is the one for you! But if you prefer brown, it’s also available in vintage brown cloth over board and distinguished camel leather touch editions.

The Bible text is printed in a single column layout with wide margins, so it’s more like reading a regular book. Additional content is printed in a two-column format. Like most Bibles, the pages are very thin paper, so there is some bleed-through, but it’s not bad enough to be distracting. The text is printed in black with blue accents (e.g. headings and chapter numbers). Interspersed throughout the Bible are articles about Jesus, which are printed on a blue background. The maps at the back of the book are full-color.

Part of what makes the CSB Jesus Daily Bible so readable is the Christian Standard Bible translation, which I’ve come to appreciate for daily Bible reading. The CSB translates the ancient texts into the clearest modern English while staying as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning. The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability ensure that this Bible is trustworthy and easy to understand.

The CSB Jesus Daily Bible is divided into 52 weeks, with 5 daily readings per week. So they could also call this the “Weekday Bible” since you get the weekends off, ha. But more than likely those two days are meant to reflect and apply what you’ve learned. Each week begins with a brief introduction plus a bulleted list of “Where will I find Christ in this week’s reading?” (Yes, you can even find Jesus in the Old Testament!) Each week ends with a detailed summary, including key takeaways and practical applications.

Even though this is a chronological Bible, I love the fact that it’s not dated according to days of the month – it starts off with “Day One” instead of “January 1” – so you can begin reading at any time without feeling like you’re already behind. But hey, we’re still close enough to the beginning of the year, so it’s not too late to start your New Year’s resolution of reading through the whole Bible this year!

Order your copy of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible today!


Leave a comment for a chance to win 1 free copy of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible! Contest ends at 11:59pm PST on 1/31/25. Note: This is limited to US winners only. The winner will need to submit their full name and full mailing address by 2/4/25. We will not be able to accept winners submitted after this date. If you have won the same Bible on another blog, we will choose a different winner.


Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

#JesusDailyBibleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #jesusdailybible #dailybible #bibleinayear #christianstandardbible #csb #csbible #holmanbible #bhpub

1 Comment

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  1. Looks like an awesome resource. Thank you for your thoughts!

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