Being a college student is expensive. You have to pay for tuition, lab fees, insurance and boarding most times. Then there’s your textbooks. They can be quite expensive to purchase them for several classes. Textbooks can range upwards of $100 apiece when buying new. You must learn how to keep costs low and what you can do to be frugal while still having everything you need. There are several ways you can do this while preparing for your classes. Take a look at these three options before you buy your books brand new again. They can definitely steer you in the right direction when it comes to being frugal with your college education.
1. Renting Textbooks
Renting textbooks is a relatively new idea in the textbook world. This system allows you to rent your books instead of purchasing them for your classes. This can save you a lot of money in the end. With the prices of books and tuition rising, this is a wonderful alternative to buying the books. In many programs you can purchase the books at any time during the semester. You can also return them at the end of the semester. You will need to verify all the information on their policies and procedures for renting but you can definitely save yourself time and money by using this route for your next semester classes. There are several sites online you can rent from, and some schools offer renting as well.
2. Borrow Your Books
When you are in school you may run into friends who have already taken the classes before you. If this is the case then you may be able to borrow the books from a friend or fellow classmate instead of purchasing them. This will be a great option for you to save money and be frugal during your classroom experiences. Be sure to talk with your friend to ensure they do not want to sell the book and how they want you to return it to them. Some may allow highlighting while others prefer you do not. This is a great option for those basic classes that everyone has to take such as English, Math, and Speech. Some professors may have books that you can borrow as well. It never hurts to look into this option, as many classmates may allow you to borrow instead of buy. You could possibly split the cost with them as well.
3. Find The Lowest Price
If the other two options are not possible, then make sure to do your research. Check into online textbook sites and also remember to compare textbook prices. This will help you to avoid spending more than is necessary for your college textbooks. Check into online sites that sell used books and even bookstores in your town. Also check out your local bulletin boards at your school. Many students like to sell their used textbooks when done. This can be a great way to get a deep discount on your supplies for your next semester. Remember to always look for the best deals and do not just accept the first one you arrive at. Look at several sites, stores, and local sales to make sure what you pay is the rock bottom price on the book. Keep these tips in mind when you want to cut costs down on your college education. It is expensive enough paying for room and board and tuition. Books add to that expense and are not always covered by scholarships. Investigate these options in your area to save money and time on your next college semester.
Author Bio: The author of this post writes about education and related information. To buy textbooks or to compare textbook prices to reduce the cost, you can visit his site.