Isabelle Faletti, 21, was homeschooled from the age of 11 to 17. She is now majoring in Public Relations at Northwestern College in Minnesota. Some of the courses that she has completed include Mass Media & Society, Political Communication, Business Communication, Photojournalism Workshop, PR Writing & Tactics, PR Cases & Campaigns, and PR Events: Planning & […]
Month: April 2013
Northwestern College, Minnesota
“No more charming spot could have been chosen for a school of the retreat of a scholar….an environment that provides the mind with the greatest relaxation from the rigors of the school room and the athletic field and do much to increase the happiness and culture of the students.” (Quoted in the Northwestern College Historic […]
Causes of and Tips for Teen Depression
Editor’s Note: It’s not unusual for young people to get “down in the dumps” or experience “the blues” occasionally. Most of the time when teens encounter challenging situations, they can lean on friends and family members for help. Sometimes, however, their problems become too complicated or overwhelming and they may need the guidance of a […]
3 Ways to Be Textbook Frugal
Being a college student is expensive. You have to pay for tuition, lab fees, insurance and boarding most times. Then there’s your textbooks. They can be quite expensive to purchase them for several classes. Textbooks can range upwards of $100 apiece when buying new. You must learn how to keep costs low and what you […]
How to Prepare for and Pass the Police Officer Interview
Police officers perform a vital public service by helping to protect lives and property. The daily duties of police officers vary with their occupational specialty and whether they are working for a local, state, or federal agency. Many police officers patrol their jurisdictions and investigate any suspicious activity that they notice. They pursue and apprehend […]
You Are What You Own
Teens Bear Contraception and Abortion Health Risk for What Reason Already?
The Path to Recovery
Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron: Mission Europe & Roots
[This DVD review was originally published at] My family just finished watching The Way of the Master: Mission Europe series on DVD (in which Ray Comfort and his faithful team travel through Europe preaching open-air), followed by ROOTS, which is a youth evangelism DVD series based on Mission Europe. I had been wondering how […]
Sneak by Evan Angler
Emily Rachelle Reviews, by Emily A secret Markless community is growing across the globe, and Logan Langly’s mission to save his sister is about to bring them all together. I’ve been waiting for this book from the moment I finished Swipe, and I was not disappointed. The voice of each character and the writing style of […]
Paper Mario Sticker Star
An Anime Review, by Xbolt I watched the movie Inceptionand thought it was a nice piece of work. The premise alone was very interesting. A few weeks later, I watched Paranoia Agent. That was cool. Then, I looked at what else the director had done. Paprika came up, and after reading the premise, I said: […]