Dear Nia,
I have gotten behind on my school work and feel that it is overwhelming. I am not sure that I am cut out for home schooling, what do you think? ~B.hine21
Dear B.hine21,
I think that you should have a conversation with your parents or guidance counselors about your options. At the same time it depends on whether you feel you have the means to catch up and get ahead in your school work. This is your decision and don’t let anyone pressure you, not even yourself.
Work hard and play harder, Nia
Dear Nia,
I’m a home school student with serious problems. My boyfriend wants me to spend time with him while I am trying to focus on my school work. What do I do? ~Confusious
Dear Confusious,
I think you shouldn’t let anyone take you away from what’s important. Your schooling isn’t to better your high school boyfriend, your friends, or even you parents. It’s to better you. That’s a factor you have to keep in mind. If your boyfriend doesn’t get that than he doesn’t deserve you.
Work hard and play harder, Nia
Shaniyah is an aspiring journalist who also writes poetry and is working on a novel. If you have a question you would like her to answer, email her at