Nonfiction Book Review ~by Libbi~
Peace Be With You: Monastic Wisdom for a Terror-Filled World, by David Carlson
Love. Doesn’t that seem to be lacking in our culture today? With wars, lawsuits, and crimes running rampant, it seems that we have a little more hate in our culture then we do love. This is one of the reasons that David Carlson decided to do research in the monasteries and retreat centers across New Mexico. Interviewing many of the inhabitants, David deduced the theory that as Americans, having a war is unbiblical, and more, UN-Christlike. Through this book, David asks if we as the body of Christ are really doing our job as believers, sharing the love of Christ in a world that only knows hate. Or, are we simply sitting on the sidelines and cheering on those doing things against God’s perfect will.
I was bitterly disappointed with this book. Rather then encouraging the body of Christ to do our best to help our brothers and sisters in need, it is somewhat condemning, making the reader feel as if a “bad” Christian if he was out fighting the war on terror. Unfortunately, I disagreed with the majority of the philosophy of this book. I was disappointed, because I have liked most of Thomas Nelson’s books up until now. I wouldn’t really recommend this book to anyone; sadly, it was one of those books I just disagreed on the doctrine. But that is another post in and of itself.
Sincerely, Libbi H.
P.S. Thomas Nelson gave me this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Libbi is a homeschooler who runs the Life is Funner blog at . She likes peacocks, the color pink, hair accessories, and reading biographies.