Ecclesia College

Ecclesia College is a four-year interdenominational Christian college located in Springdale, Arkansas, combining affordability with a quality Christian education. Ecclesia is a Greek word meaning “called out ones.” The term was used in ancient Greece to describe those who had been called out from general society to come aside and discuss the affairs of state. The word Ecclesia can also be translated as “church.” Ecclesia emphasizes a strong Biblical foundation, godly mentoring, and Christian service. The college was founded in 1975 by Oren Paris II, who is presently the College Chancellor, and he is also the father of noted recording artist Twila Paris who happens to be a homeschool mom. Ecclesia is accredited through the Association for Biblical Higher Education and certified by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. The college also offers elective classes and extra-curricular classes for homeschoolers through Ecclesia Prep, which can enable you to earn college creditwhile you finish high school. Below is a letter from Oren Paris III, President of Ecclesia College, which is posted on the Ecclesia Prep website:

Dear Parents,

Last fall we welcomed approximately one hundred homeschoolers to the Ecclesia College campus for the first year of Ecclesia Prep. Students participated in classes ranging from Art and Choir to High School Biology. Their presence on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons was a blessing to all of us and it was a joy to see new friendships being formed. We are anticipating another wonderful year beginning in September. The application process for new families is quick and simple and you can do it on-line. Current students can go directly to the Registration page and register for the classes they would like to take in this coming school year. On the Classes page you will find that several new courses are being offered. Please make us aware of your interests and needs as we continue to plan toward future classes and activities. In addition to the High School level courses offered through Ecclesia Prep, eligible High School students are encouraged to take concurrent courses and begin earning college credit while finishing High School. The Ecclesia family honors your commitment to providing a Christ-centered education for your children and we recognize that the primary responsibility and authority belongs to you. Many of us are also experiencing the blessings of homeschooling. It is our goal and privilege to help supplement and compliment your faithful efforts. We look forward to serving you and your family.
Warm Regards,
Oren Paris III
Ecclesia College

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Updated: April 14, 2011 — 11:09 am

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