Baker is a homeschool-friendly college that encourages home-educated students to consider dual-enrolling during their high school years and then to continue there after graduation. Baker offers special Home School Scholarships for all 15-18 year old students who take this opportunity to start college early.
Baker is the largest independent college in the state of Michigan with 15 locations around the state. Since Baker College first opened its doors in 1911, they have grown to serve over 35,000 students on campuses throughout Michigan. Baker of Flint, Muskegon, and Owosso include residence halls on campus.
You can also become an online student. Baker Online offers the convenience of classroom accessibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Earn your degree at home, on the road, or virtually anywhere in the world. You simply access your virtual classroom through the Web. It’s not a self-paced program, though; courses begin and end on specific dates and classwork has assigned deadlines.
Baker offers over 140 certificate, associate, bachelors, masters, and doctorate programs in the high-demand fields of Business Administration, Engineering/Technology, Health Sciences, Education, Human Service (Counselors, Correction Officers, Gerontology), and Computer Information Systems.
Unlike other colleges and universities, their unique and successful career-focused approach is intended to lead you directly to a great career – not make you into a career student. Baker College provides specific education and training so you can become a working professional in a rewarding job right out of college.
Also interesting to note, Baker College has a “right-to-try” policy. All students who have earned a high school diploma or GED are automatically eligible for admission. Baker College does not require the ACT or SAT. Students who do not have a high school diploma or GED certificate simply need to take the ASSET or COMPASS test. These tests measure reading, writing, and numerical skills. The student must achieve or exceed the minimum scores on each subset of ASSET or COMPASS in a single testing experience.
Prospective students need to fill out an application form as completely as they can. Whenever possible, a copy of the prospective student’s high school transcript or GED should accompany the application. Baker College admits students without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability. If for any reason the prospective student is not accepted, the $20 application fee will be refunded. For more information, see: www.baker.edu