Tag: psychology

Ghost Hound

A lot of the stuff that’s featured in this anime sounds like something right out of Psychology 101.

Kiss Me Deadly: What a Relationship Should and Shouldn’t Be

The Razor’s Edge, by Madeleine Richey In this day and age it seems that everyone is obsessed with dating. Everyone wants that perfect relationship, like Bella and Edward. Everyone wants that special someone. What I’d like to call your attention to is the fact that most people don’t marry their high school sweetheart. The majority […]

Career-of-the-Month: Psychologist & Psychiatrist

Psychiatrists are medical doctors; psychologists are not. The suffix “-iatry” means “medical treatment,” and “-logy” means “science” or “theory.” So psychiatry is the medical treatment of the psyche, while psychology is the science of the psyche. (Psyche is an ancient Greek term for the totality of the human mind, both conscious and unconscious.) Psychologists are […]