Nostalgia Vintage Electric Ice Cream Maker We love our new Nostalgia Vintage Electric 4-quart Ice Cream Maker!
Infographic: Easy Homemade Ice Cream “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” July is National Ice Cream Month!
Brownies, Mud, and a Certain Uncooperative Cow Ali writes about all the big and little happenings that spice life up, the chaos of a big family, homeschooling and farming.
Thirty Liters of Milk Ali writes about all the big and little happenings that spice life up, the chaos of a big family, homeschooling and farming.
Science Project: Homemade Cleaners Turn an ordinary household chore into a science project – make your own homemade cleaners!
Training a Mule I’ve dealt with horses and a range of animals but never a mule. Especially never an abused, sickly mule.