Here are some tips on how to keep your teen active and healthy so they don’t get behind in their learning.
Tag: beach
Summer Outdoor Safety Tips Infographic
Costa Rica: My Dream Adventure!
Palm Beach Atlantic University Honors First Lady Melania Trump
An American Teenager: My Life & Experiences In Costa Rica
Modest Summer Fashion
Hot weather doesn’t have to mean showing a lot of skin. Covering up is also a choice. So how do you stay cool and comfortable while dressing modestly – and why is it a good idea? Here is Homeschooling Teen‘s guide to modest summer fashion… The Bible says that “women should adorn themselves in respectable […]
Modesty: Part 4 of 5
We’ve seen that modesty is an expression of purity, consideration and wisdom in a fallen world, and we’ve started to look at some specifics regarding styles. Today we’ll look at some more principles that affect our choice of styles. Where are you? Modesty recognizes that where you are in what you wear makes a huge […]