Category: Razor’s Edge

The Razor’s Edge: Exposed – Dangers in Our World of ‘Free Choice’

By Madeleine Richey When was the last time you picked up a book, watched a movie, or flipped through pictures to get a glimpse of something—anything—to do with sex? Okay, next question: when was the first time? For just a minute, let’s put all religious views on the matter aside. Whether you’re Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, […]

The Razor’s Edge: Runaway

By Madeleine Richey, 16 “Runaway” is a name. It’s a brand of people, some say. It’s a call that lures our youth into the streets “run away!” A lot of people listen to that call and a lot of people assume that name. But they’re not a special brand of people. They’re a lot like […]

The Razor’s Edge

New Column! Hello, my name is Madeleine Richey. I’m a sixteen-year-old in Fort Wayne, IN, where I have spent the last year learning about my new town and figuring out which street leads where, making new friends, and finding books, people, places, and things that inspire my stories, from the beer can lying in the grass to the old man at the bus stop. I’m […]