Angola Hone is a fantasy author and homeschool graduate, with all twelve grades done through programs like IEW and local E-Day classes, as well as home curriculum with his mom, who took an active role in his education. Though he graduated from Regent University with a bachelor’s degree for cinema and television in 2021, he credits home education for teaching him the skills to learn how to become a self-published author. Over the past year, he’s been working on his young adult fantasy series, The Canid Chronology. Book One just released! It’s inspired by some of his own childhood favorites such as Narnia, Redwall, and Gregor the Overlander. Check out our author interview and then enter the giveaway below for a free signed copy of his book!
Interview with Angola Hone
Here is our exclusive interview with Angola Hone, author of The Canid Chronology…
1. How did you come up with all of the unique character and place names in The Canid Chronology?
For most of my animal characters, I try to mold the sound of their names vaguely after the vocalization their counterpart would make in real life. Wolf and bear names sound sort of like a growl. Fox names have a yap to them. Bird names have a lot of sharp or whistling syllables. Then I tack on a bunch of extra syllables. There’s also a sort of in-universe reason for this that I haven’t quite fit into explaining in the books yet. It goes along the lines that when the animal characters were first given intelligence, they were so excited to have a common tongue that they made their names extremely long and complicated forms of their original noises.
For cities and towns, it varies. Typically, it has something to do with the place’s backstory. Whimzic Haven is quite literally a haven in the heart of a somewhat whimsical forest, hence the name. Witfast is named because the fox lord lives there and foxes traditionally are portrayed with quick wits. So on and so forth.
2. What inspired you to make the main characters animals rather than humans?
Because humans are so boring! I’m kidding, of course, but that was sort of true for me growing up. Some of my favorite characters from series I read growing up were the personified animals. Bree the Horse from Narnia’s third book, Ares the bat from The Underland Chronicles, Martin the mouse warrior from Redwall, etc. Plus, you can really delve into what’s special about humans when you look at them from the perspective of a non-human character. They can be dastardly villains, but also incredible heroes. That’s something I really want to explore as the series progresses—the relationship between man and animals. It will be pivotal to the story and really highlight how we, in real life, are called to take care of nature.
3. How do you get into the heads of all these diverse characters?
It really just comes naturally to me. I’ve been writing these stories since eleven years old. It’s like knowing what’s going on inside the heads of friends that you know very, very well. I can’t quite explain it beyond that.
4. Who is your favorite character in the book and why?
Oo, that’s difficult to answer. Ashiy always has a special place in my heart, because he has so many qualities I aspire to have myself. Bravery, loyalty, level-headedness, etc. But I also love Ziliac. He’s often silent and withdrawn, but underneath he really teems with darkness and emotion. His story comes to the forefront of Book II, I will say, and I think it’ll make him the favorite among a lot of readers as well. Lastly, there’s third character coming in the next book who I adore writing every scene for. Ashiy, Ziliac, and this third mystery character have always sort of been the big three for the series, and they’re definitely my favorites (hence why they’re the main characters!).
5. Where did you get your ideas for the scenery, specifically around Whim’s Haven but also the lands of Altharia in general?
I’m not sure that I have a specific inspiration for the locales in Altharia. They’re sort of a mishmash of places I adore from European fantasy, especially Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings or C.S. Lewis’s Narnia, and video games such as Pokémon and Ori and the Blind Forest if we’re talking about Whimzic Forest specifically. I envision places that I would love to visit myself, honestly, and that’s where it all springs from.
6. Are there any tools or resources that you find most helpful when writing?
Other books. Reading is one of the best ways for a writer to stay inspired. Nowadays too, the internet has made so many authors, both traditionally and independently published, much more accessible to their audience. If you like an author, look them up. Follow their socials. Watch their interviews. See how they published and what tips they have to share. That’s how I’ve figured out the majority of my own publishing questions.
7. How is the audiobook coming along and what has the recording process been like?
The audiobook is complete! A few stores are still reviewing it before making it live on their sites, but it’s out. I actually have a second giveaway going on through my Instagram (@angolahonestories) this month for copies of it.
My educational background was in cinema and television, and as an early teenager I got into voiceover with my own microphone auditioning for fandubs, indie animated movies, and the like. It’s been incredibly special to work out the voices of these characters I’ve known for so long. Also, it’s been sort of easier than normal. Since I’m both the author and the narrator, I don’t have to go back and forth with a director, since I know the story and intentions of the characters already. All in all, it’s been super fun, and I can’t wait to do it again for book two.
8. When do you think your next book will come out?
My editor and I are aiming for June of 2025! There’s a lot of book fairs coming up later this year that I want to be able to present both novels at. Updates about the cover, plot, and the chance to get free early review copies will be shared on my Instagram and newsletter as well.
9. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing besides reading and writing?
I have a pretty huge Lego addiction. Nowadays, Lego comes out with so many adult-oriented building sets based off books/games that I love, that I can’t get enough of building them. I also work part-time as an axe throwing coach. I find it keeps me in the spirit of writing fantasy. You meet a lot of interesting people who throw axes too, and I love judging for the sport.
10. Do you have any advice that you would like to share with other aspiring young writers?
Love what you write. Something that stands out to me today is an aspiring author who isn’t afraid to share their stuff with others. It can be scary to let someone else read what you’ve put your time and soul into. But if you find a story you really love, that God’s called you to give to the world, then that fear goes away. Yes, some people won’t like your story. They won’t get it. That’s ok. Brush that off, accept any legitimate criticism they give you, and then show it to the next person. Then the next. You’ll find the people who are into your story as much as you are with persistence. But you’ll never find them if you don’t love your story enough to keep sharing it.
Thanks for letting me answer questions for The Homeschooling Teen! Remember adventure, and happy reading everyone!
~Angola Hone
Thank you so much for answering these questions, Angola, it was a great interview!
Now for the giveaway! Leave a comment on this article for a chance to win a free signed copy of The Canid Chronology: Book One by Angola Hone! (US residents only; one random winner will be chosen; contest ends at 11:59pm PST on 1/31/25.) NOTE: Comments are moderated, so please be patient for yours to show up if you haven’t posted here before.
More Info
Learn more about Angola Hone and his homeschooling background here.
Read HST’s review of The Canid Chronology Book One here.
The Canid Chronology is available on Amazon in several formats (Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback).
The Canid Chronology (including audiobook!) is also available on Barnes & Noble.
Angola loves to reach readers directly with his Newsletter.
Those who join receive a free short story + digital artwork from the world of the Canid series, book discounts, and updates/behind the scenes on series releases.
Angola also posts updates on his other socials, which can be found from his Linktree.
Very cool! I love fantasy settings, and ones that have a flushed out world make the whole story so much more alive and exciting!